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Will HBH ever continue and will you play in it?  No, HBH will not continue. They decided to wrap it up a few years back and there is no chance of it being filmed again! It's a shame because it was a great show to be a part of!!
What is your favourite show you've been in and whats the worst?  Heartbreak is my most favourite because I was on it for so many years and made such good friendships and i learnt a lot about acting!! The worst was probably State Coroner. Kick and myself had to fall out of a canoe and the water was FREEZING!! It was so cold it brought tears to my eyes....luckily they had buckets of hot water and a  spa ready for us to dive in to between takes!!
Favourite song ever?? I can't really answer this one. I love music and I have so many favourites!!
Most guys think you are sexy! What do you think of this!?? Ha...i think...hmmm...i am not too sure what i think of this one...i think they are crazy!! I guess it comes down to what each person considers to be sexy!! i do not see myself as being sexy at all!! :-)
Thanks again for all your questions.....
Take it easy
La x

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